The Fisher of Bones – Book Review

36292847Author: Sarah Gailey

104 pages

Genre: Fantasy Novella

Synopsis: The Prophet is dead. The eyes of the Gods have turned to his daughter. But she isn’t ready. Not for the whispers in her ear, for the divinations… for the blood. Her people’s history and their future, carved by ancients into the bones of long dead behemoths, are now her burden. Only she can read them, interpret the instructions, and guide them to the Promised Land. Their journey is almost at an end, but now, without the Prophet, she must find a way to guide them to the place they will call Home. Through blood and through sand, against the will of her own flock, against the horrors that haunt the darkness, only she can bring her people Home. The Prophet is dead. Long live the Prophetess.

Source: (check it out, it’s free!)

This book tells the story of what happens to a community after they switch prophets midway through a huge journey.

Writing wise, it’s wonderful. I felt many things whilst I listened to this book.

The characters were amazingly developed and each one was unique.

But the story… wow. It’s a tough one, I felt like I needed a break but also felt that I couldn’t do that – I felt that I had to be there for Fisher.

Honestly, I’m baffled. I started this book without knowing what I was getting myself into and was met with a rather pleasant surprise.

Rating: 5 stars


October 2018 Wrap-Up

34963526This month started with something I’ve been longing for a very long time, which is Saga Volume 8. I absolutely loved this – it had everything I missed from that universe. New creatures? Check. Heartbreaking moments? Check. Wholesome moments? Check. Freelancers? Check.

35288488I also read soft thorns by Bridgett Devoue. This book, just like Saga, broke my heart and put it back together. Also, as it turns out, free verse is pretty cool.

18393324Later on I finished Goth Girl and the Ghost of a Mouse by Chris Riddell. I’ve been meaning to read this book for a very long time and, honestly, it didn’t disappoint. This is one of those books that are short, sweet and fun.

And because I have no self control, I watched Elite‘s first season (in two or three days). My sister described this show perfectly: it’s Riverdale on steroids. It has great actors, beautiful scenes and, to top it all off, it’s trash I’m absolute trash for.

I also finally finished American Horror Story’s fifth season, also known as AHS: Hotel. Honestly, I can’t begin to tell you how many times I thought of dropping this season. I believe it somehow managed to be worse than Freak Show – in here, some main characters weren’t cast in the best way possible. The story was mildly fun and the villain continued to be the same, though. But the whole “ancient virus” thing felt forced. To quote a friend, this season is all about sex and blood, nothing more.

34895950Later on, I read the beautiful Tea Dragon Society by Katie O’Neill. This was a short and very cute book, it definitely warmed my soul a little. I can’t wait to read more of this author’s works!

36612684I finally got back on my serials by reading Stolen Treasures (False Idols Season One Episode Four) by Diana Renn. This is an okay episode (at best) but I can see that tension is rising and the stakes are changing quite rapidly. Honestly, this has to be the first episode of False Idols that made me actually look forward to reading the next.

And because I have no self restraint, I watched American Horror Story’s sixth season, also known as AHS: Roanoke. To be honest, I loved this. I don’t know if it’s because Hotel and Freak Show weren’t that good or if it’s actually good, I just know that I loved it. The format felt fresh and the story didn’t feel forced. Now, I can’t wait to watch more AHS!

31578772Later on, I read Umta (ReMade Season One Episode Five) by Matthew Cody. I’ve wanted to read an episode centered around Umta for too long so, when I saw this episode’s title, my heart jumped. Overall, this was pretty cool. We get some answers when it comes to Umta’s origins and some stuff happens to the group towards the end. And my guess was right – Umta’s looks were pretty important.

Saga Volume 7 – Book Review

Saga Vol. 6 – Book Review

29237211Writer: Brian K. Vaughan

Artist: Fiona Staples

152 pages

Genre: SFF Graphic Novel

Synopsis: Finally reunited with her ever-expanding family, Hazel travels to a war-torn comet that Wreath and Landfall have been battling over for ages. New friendships are forged and others are lost forever in this action-packed volume about families, combat and the refugee experience.

Source: Borrowed (in Portuguese)

This volume takes place after the events of the last.

The art continues to be as beautiful as it has always been.

Story wise, there are some fascinating plot twists and some other events that will change the future of this saga (pun intended).

When it comes to characters, they’re pretty much the same.

In this series, the character development is somewhat slow, however, it’s still noticeable.

Rating: 5 stars

“If a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, then a family is more like a rope. We’re lots of fragile little strands, and we survive by becoming hopelessly intertwined with each other.”

Want a different review? You can find one here.

Next volume

July 2018 Wrap-Up

38920941This month started with a downer, Manga Classics: Romeo and Juliet by Stacy King. Perhaps I’ve gotten saturated with Manga Classics, they simply don’t work for me anymore.That doesn’t mean that this is a bad book, it simply means that it wasn’t as fun as I thought it would be. I still want to read Shakespeare’s works, though.

Kevin Kline, Ewan McGregor, Emma Thompson, Stanley Tucci, Ian McKellen, Audra McDonald, Emma Watson, Josh Gad, Dan Stevens, Luke Evans, and Gugu Mbatha-Raw in Beauty and the Beast (2017)I also watched the live-action version of Beauty and the Beast. Overall, this is a beautiful movie, as the name implies. It has some differences from its animated version, fixing some (a lot of) plot holes. The only thing that bugged me was LeFou. If we’re going to get representation like LeFou, it’s better to get no representation at all.

38601103I also read the beautiful The Dream of the Butterfly Volume 2: Dreaming a Revolution by Richard Marazano. I can’t go into much depth when it comes to this book, as it is only scheduled to come out in the end of this year. However, I can assure you that I would be happy to buy this book once it’s out so I can re-read the whole series again.

To mix things up, I watched American Horror Story‘s second season. I usually watch this show in Halloween (I binged the first season last time) but this show was the next in my ‘Watch Next’ list on Netflix, so I decided to finally pick it up again. I’m glad I did, this is one of those slow burn shows that are made well, that make you want to watch more in spite of having a slow burn. This season in particular features a mental asylum in the 60s, a topic that has always fascinated me. Seeing actors doing new things this season also surprised me in the best way possible.

30812721I also read Hungry (ReMade Season One Episode Two) by Andrea Phillips. All in all, this was a nice episode. It felt as though the overall story didn’t progress but we got to know some more people. I’m getting more curious when it comes to the whole situation these people are in, something that’s quite important if that’s the driving force of the plot.

33147708Given that it was this month’s Book Club Pick, I read Claimed by the Cyborg by Cara Bristol. All in all, this isn’t a very complex book, however, I enjoyed it.

39296111Later on, I read Sister BFFs by Philippa Rice. I thought this book would be funny, however, it didn’t really work for me. It felt as though no jokes were being told, it was just sisters acting like sisters do. Also, why were they so mean to each other? I have a sister and I don’t think we’re constantly talking about how much the other stinks. We only do it sometimes, when the other one prompts it.

541094Talking about sisters, mine made me read The Professor’s Daughter by Joann Sfar. This was a really fun book. Its art isn’t really pretty, however, I kept wanting to read more, to know what was going to happen next.

Resultado de imagem para archer danger island posterI also watched Archer‘s ninth season. I’ve been following this show for a very long time and I tend to watch each season in one sitting, which I also did this time around. Overall, it was a nice season. Its setting is interesting and the characters are somewhat the same. However, this season still doesn’t beat Vice.

30094838To make things better, I read Creepy Town (Bookburners Season Two Episode One) by Max Gladstone. To be honest, I missed this series, it’s really fun. And the fact that new characters were added and things are changing is also a great thing that will definitely make this series’ expiration date come a little later.

30812751To continue on with serials, I read Home, Perilous Home (ReMade Season One Episode Three) by Carrie Harris. This is, by far, the best episode of the series so far. It has significant character development and introduction and the plot moves forward in a meaningful way.

I also watched GLOW‘s second season. (I know that isn’t a poster but it damn well looks like one) I really like this show, it has strong ladies who feel quite real. I honestly can’t wait for its next season. More over the top hair, please!

27311335And given that I wanted to keep on getting to know more serials, I read Arrivals (Tremontaine Season One Episode One) by Ellen Kushner. All in all, this was a good pilot and I want to know more about the characters. The ending left me wanting to read more, I want to figure out what Lady Tremontaine is up to.

36292847To mix things up, I listened to The Fisher of Bones by Sarah Gailey. This was a wild ride. It had heartache, it had faith crisis, it had sense of duty, it had everything. Honestly, I’m surprised how so much can be put into such a small book. Nonetheless, this was a wonderful book that I highly recommend.

I also watched American Horror Story‘s third season, Coven. Of what I have watched, this wasn’t the best season. However, the theme itself isn’t my cup of tea, I prefer horror that could almost happen, like Asylum.

36612673Keeping on with serials, I read Who Do You Think You Are? (False Idols Season One Episode Three) by Diana Renn. Is it just me or is this episode very similar to the previous? Layla goes to Europe, Layla snoops around (and doesn’t find much), Layla ends up getting caught. However, it feels as though things are picking up, hopefully this series will grow better and better in the next episodes.

31578739More serials? Yes please! I read The Most Dangerous Game (ReMade Season One Episode Four) by E. C. Myers. I don’t know if I’m the only one who saw it, but this episode paints gamers in a pretty bad way. Yes, there are some gamers who have a problem, just like Loki, but not everyone’s like that, something that the media (be it books, movies, shows, whatever) rarely portrays. This episode let me down greatly, but at least the story has been having real consequences.

37638320I also read The Ancient Nine by Ian K. Smith. I can’t tell you a lot about this book, it only comes out in September, but I can tell you that some pretty awesome stuff is coming to the blog around the time the book comes out. Stay tuned!

June 2018 Wrap-Up

Black Sails (2014)This month started with a finale that I waited for way too long to watch. Black Sail‘s fourth season is definitely its weakest. I think the plot was stretched out for way too long. The thing I loved the most about this show (its pacing) definitely became the show’s undoing. It felt as though the writers only had material for a few more episodes but, to air them, they had to make a whole new season. because I can’t control myself, I watched Riverdale‘s second season. Overall, it was fun, I definitely binged it. It did have some holes, but they can be seen as the characters not being able to see their actual situation with clear eyes.

36580694And given that I wanted to read something other than The Maias, I read Spectacle Volume 1 by Megan Rose Gedris. This was a really fun book featuring three things that I absolutely love – mystery, circus life and demons. Overall, I’m glad I picked this up.

33590273And going from great to pretty bad, I read Night’s Dominion Volume One by Ted Naifeh. Oh, boy, was that confusing. The characters were inconsistent and it felt like the author thought about the plot so much that he actually forgot that we, readers, need context. This book had so much going on that there was a point in which my brain turned off and I simply looked at the pretty pictures.

I also watched Monty Python and The Holy Grail. I had a great time watching it, I particularly loved the whole coconut ordeal. Are there any other Monty Python films that I should watch?

24662901Then, I finally finished The Maias by Eça de Queirós. What a painful book. I didn’t really care for the characters and the plot advanced awfully slowly.

26778755I also read Kaijumax Season One: Terror and Respect by Zander Cannon. Overall, this felt like Manga Classics: Huckleberry Finn – it wasn’t bad but it wasn’t good either. It left me with an overwhelming sense of indifference, which isn’t good. Also, the whole plot felt expected. I know this is supposed to teach us about how prisons treat inmates but, if you want to learn that, read Shawshank Redemption or watch Orange is the New Black. Both those things are entertaining and will teach you that prison is hell and so are the people inside it – inmates, wardens – even if they sound nice. You’ll get back stabbed. You’ll get your cavities searched to a degree that shouldn’t be legal. You’ll bleed. Those two works taught me that. However, Kaijumax wasn’t able to leave the same impression in me.

30812672Given that my sister told me to read it, I read Shadows and Dreams (ReMade Season One Episode One) by Mathew Cody. Overall, I think this was a nice first episode. It sets the world up and we get to know the main characters. It left me with some questions too. However, I didn’t feel the excitement that I felt while I read Bookburners’ pilot.

19536000I also read Chew Volume 8: Family Recipes by John Layman. This book was really fun – it even had Toni again. Also, I read the previous volume a long time ago, I missed these characters.

Saga Vol. 6 – Book Review

Saga Vol. 5 – Book Review

28862528Writer: Brian K. Vaughan

Artist: Fiona Staples

152 pages

Genre: SFF Graphic Novel

Synopsis: After a dramatic time jump, the three-time Eisner Award winner for Best Continuing Series continues to evolve, as Hazel begins the most exciting adventure of her life: kindergarten. Meanwhile, her starcrossed family learns hard lessons of their own.

Source: Borrowed (in Portuguese)

This volume takes place some time after the end of volume five.

This volume’s art continues as amazing as it has always been.

The characters continue great, it’s fascinating to see Hazel grow throughout the volume. We also get to know more characters, as per usual.

The story is heartwarming, there weren’t a lot of sad moments, which is something rare in this series.

Overall, I loved this volume.

Rating: 5 stars

Want a different review? You can find one here.

I wanted to correct her, but if I’d learned one thing by that point in my education, it was that when anybody in these cruel worlds offers a helping hand… you shut your fucking mouth and grab it.

Saga Vol. 7 – Book Review